Friday, September 20, 2019

Google Analytics for Marketing

Today, I want to share an amazing tool that can uplift the marketing to another level.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics enables you to understand how people use your sites and apps, so you can take action to improve their experience. Here's a list of key features of Google Analytics can do to enhance your business marketing:

Data Studio:
Data Studio is a dynamic dashboard from google, which is the front page for the data visualization. The interface is user-friendly and dynamic. Here's an example of Data Studio dashboard,

Optimize from Google Analytics can quickly guide how the website can be improved. It reduces the loading time and tests the content easily.

Surveys from Google are the easiest way to conduct and design online surveys. The survey results can be displayed and analyzed in the cloud. With a little effort, anyone creates and analyze surveys. Here's an example of a Survey result,

Tag Management:
Google Tag Management System allows updating measurement codes and related code fragments known as tags. After safely adding tags in the project, anyone can easily deploy analytics for a web-based user interface.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

New Trending Blogs to Follow

Here's the list of top five blogs everyone should follow,

Foto Rover is blogging for the first time ever with some interesting ever with some interesting travel experiences and will also talk about cameras and some basic new features in cameras which are really making changes in photographic world now-a-days.

Foodie Zone
Toronto is one of the most diverse and multi-cultural place in north America. Foodie Zone is a blog about different cuisines and cooking in Toronto.

The Inception
The Inception is a blog about travelling. The blog explores the travel ideas. The ideas are called as "Travel Gypsy".
Travel Gypsy is all about,
  • Travelling Tips
  • Travelling Experiences
  • And pretty much everything about the travel.

Toronto Treat$
Toronto Treat$ is all about the amazing treats that Toronto city is offering.
The blog is a budget friendly way for everyone to keep track of all the activities in the city which are cost effective and Super Fun!
Are you new to Toronto? Need cheap stuff for your new place? We've got a list of places you can go to!

We can see businesses are facing a lot of problems nowadays. It is due to the trend changing every time. The blog explores the ideas and problems faced by entrepreneurs to survive in this competitive market.

About the Blog


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Google Analytics for Marketing

Today, I want to share an amazing tool that can uplift the marketing to another level. Google Analytics Google Analytics enables you ...